Smart VR employee assessment instrument

JSC “Inlusion netforms” is implementing a project financed by EU structural funds No. J05-LVPA-K-04-0071 “Smart VR Employee Assessment Instrument”. The total value of the project is 1,473,136.99 EUR, founding - 765,646.63 EUR. The Project is financed by European regional development fund.

VR employee assessment instrument is a multifunctional virtual platform combining numerous latest and future technologies into one single product in order to assess the HR managers in making key decisions in the hire process and keeping track of the well-being of existing employees. Multiplayer, AI and ANN, biometric bracelet, VR with eye-tracking and advanced motion tracking as well as scientific 3D scenarios are what lies behind the project.


The idea behind this project comes from an actual request of a HR agency in order to provide its customers a better carried out solution for employee assessment and evaluation. We did a market research and figured out there are no products available on any market that can provide accurate and objective data-driven assessments of employee psychological behaviour. Therefore we collaborated with scientists from Europe and the United States of America in order to solve out this problem.

A product like such has to apply to numerous different needs. First of all, there is science. We aim to recognise actual psychological behaviour and for that - scientifically proofed VR scenarios has to be created. These scenarios, according to our already done research will be based on certain employee behaviour competences. Secondly - technological integration. We implement latest AI and biometrical data technologies together with VR equipment and set a goal to make it accessible across all the virtual reality platforms altogether.

The key innovation here is the ability to objectively assess employee psychological well-being in the company or a potential employee's competence for a specific job position. Innovation lies in two levels - scientifical and technological. Our scientists together with partnered Universities have a goal to provide the solution according to market needs while our engineers set up technical tasks in order to achieve the technological breakthrough and incorporate all these technologies into one piece of software.


No need for trial period?

Psychologists from various companies are trying to create tools with the help of which the selection of personnel and its evaluation would be more efficient. However, in the process of evaluating both potential and existing employees, the problem of objectivity is often encountered. Personality or behavioral tests usually face a problem of low external reliability, i.e. when the data obtained during the initial testing and re-examination varies. In the evaluation case, the potential worker can infer what kind of behavior / response the evaluator expects from him. Although the questionnaire uses lie scales, it does not assess the reliability of the data, and does not propose a solution in case of lies: the person using the tool (hiring manager or the hiring company) can’t fully evaluate the potential employees competencies. During the interview, even with the use of a behavior-oriented conversation method, it is difficult to avoid the risk of subjectivity.

Inlusion Netforms, in collaboration with organizational psychologists and biomedical engineering scientists from Europe and the United States, seeks to make a breakthrough and develop new evaluation of potential and existing employees methodologies. Using virtual reality and biometric data bracelet, we are creating a product that will allow to conduct virtual employee tests and get comprehensive, objective information about the decisions made by the employee. It is the world's first objective data collecting tool for providing HR and companies' hiring specialists with suggestions and advice from artificial intelligence.


UAB „inlusion Netforms“ įgyvendina ES struktūrinėmis lėšomis finansuojamą projektą „UAB „inlusion Netforms“ paslaugų eksporto plėtra“. Bendra projekto vertė – 97.666,00 Eur. Iš kurių 45.000,00 Eur. Sudaro Europos regioninės plėtros fondo lėšos.

Investicijos projekto įgyvendinimui suteikta pagal 2014–2020 metų Europos Sąjungos fondų investicijų veiksmų programos 3 prioriteto „Smulkiojo ir vidutinio verslo konkurencingumo skatinimas“ įgyvendinimo priemonę Nr. 03.2.1-LVPA-K-801 „Naujos galimybės LT“.

UAB „inlusion Netforms“ Lietuvoje vykdo veiklą nuo 2010 m. ir teikia specializuotas IT, programavimo, CRM sistemų kūrimo paslaugas, taip pat kolokacijos, debesijos paslaugas kitoms duomenų valdymo įmonėms Vokietijoje, Vengrijoje, kuria virtualios realybės sprendimus. Pastaruosius 18 mėnesių įmonė specializuojasi virtualios realybės sferoje.

Įmonė kuria VR darbuotojų apmokymo, pramogų, architektūrinių paminklų virtualizacijos bei edukacinius-kultūrinius virtualios realybės simuliatorius, pasitelkdama naujausius VR technologinius įrankius (3D skenavimą, akių sekimą). Įmonė siekia didinti įmonės apyvartą ieškant užsienio rinkų, pirmieji žingsniai jau yra padaryti, įmonė yra pradėjusi eksporto veiklas, tačiau norint didesniu mastu jį išplėsti , reikalinga išsamiai pristatyti savo produkciją parodose.

Projekto tikslas – užtikrinti naujų eksporto rinkų atsiradimą, taip prisidedant prie įmonės rinkų bei rizikų diversifikacijos, apyvartos, eksporto, konkurencingumo didėjimo bei bendro Lietuvos eksporto apimčių augimo. Planuojama, kad dalyvavimas tarptautinėse su įmonės paslaugomis susijusiose parodose padės susirasti potencialių užsakovų bei partnerių užsienio šalyse, kurie įvertins UAB „inlusion Netforms“ paslaugų kokybę, turimą patirtį.

Išskiriama pagrindinė eksporto kryptis – aukštą IT technologijų išsivystymo lygį bei didžiulį vystymosi potencialą IT sektoriuje turinčios šalys (JAV, D. Britanija, Vokietija, Jungtiniai Arabų Emyratai, Prancūzija, Japonija).

Sėkmingai įgyvendinus projektą ir užmezgus kontaktus užsienio rinkose, galima tikėtis užimti ženklią rinkos dalį ir išplėsti įmonės pardavimus. Įmonė po projekto įgyvendinimo planuoja ir toliau aktyviai plėsti pardavimus į ES, NVS ir kitas šalis. Projekto metu užmegzti kontaktai su užsienio partneriais leis įmonei atrasti naujas eksporto rinkas, jas plėsti ir padidinti pardavimų apimtis. Įmonė skaičiuoja, kad projekto pagalba, įmonės eksporto vertės augimas per 3 metus po projekto akumuliuotai sudarys virš 1 200 000 eur, o tai leis padidinti darbo našumą, pagerinti veiklos efektyvumą, pelną investuoti į naujų paslaugų kūrimą bei naujų rinkų paiešką, sukurti naujų darbo vietų.

Projekto veiklas numatyta užbaigti 2020 m. balandžio 5 d.


JSC “Inlusion netforms” is implementing a project financed by EU structural funds No.03.2.1-LVPA-K-801-05-0139 “Export of JSC “Inlusion Netforms“ Services“. The total value of the project is 97.666,00 EUR, EU regional development founding – 45.000,00 EUR.

Project support was granted in accordance with 2014-2020 European Union Funds Investment Program 3 priority “Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Business Competitiveness” measure Nr. 03.2.1-LVPA-K-801 “New Opportunities LT”.

JSC “Inlusion netforms” has been operating in Lithuania since 2010. The company specializes in IT, programming, CRM systems development as well as collocation and cloud services for management companies in Germany and Hungary. For the past 18 months, the company has been specializing in virtual reality.

“Inlusion netforms” creates VR simulators for education, staff training, entertainment and architectural landmark virtualizations using the latest VR technology tools (3D scanning, eye tracking). The company aims to increase its turnover in search of foreign markets. The first steps have already been taken, the company has started its export activities, but in order to expand it on a larger scale, it is necessary to present the existing products during exhibitions.

The aim of the project is to ensure the emergence of new export markets, thus contributing to the diversification of the company’s markets and risks, increase of turnover, export, competitiveness and overall growth of Lithuanian export volumes. It is planned that participation in international exhibitions related to the company’s services will help to find potential clients and partners in foreign countries who will evaluate the quality of products provided.

The main export directions are countries with high development level in the IT sphere (USA, UK, Germany, UAE, France, Japan).

After successful implementation of the project and contact establishment in foreign markets, one can expect to gain significant market share and expand the company’s sales. After the implementation of the project, “Inlusion netforms” plans to continue actively expanding sales to the EU, CIS and other countries. Establishing contacts with foreign partners during the project will allow to discover new export markets, expand them and increase sales. “Inlusion netforms” estimates that with the help of the EU project, export value growth over the next 3 years will accumulate over 1,200,000 EUR. This will increase productivity, improve operational efficiency and provide a source for investing in new services, market research and creation of new jobs.

The project activities are expected to be completed by 2020, April 5th.